Times are difficult and unpredictable for many right now. Funds may be tight, savings nonexistent and people are unsure if and for how long they will be employed. Retailers are heavily discounting items, restaurants are trying to encourage people to support them with meal kits, and some are still waiting for their stimulus checks and unemployment benefits to come in. With the exception of a small subset of the population, most consumers are holding on tightly to their money, unsure when the pandemic and the economy will be in the rearview mirror. With not opting to spend, saving and investing is at the forefront of many people's minds. But, how do you do that? Luckily, the Albert: Budget. Save. Invest. app can show you how easy it is to put money away for when it is really needed. Why install it? Read on.
Albert: Budget. Save. Invest. | |
Price: Free Category: Finance, Popular Now |
Version: Varies by device Developer: Albert Corp. |
Uninstall the app: 1. Go to Settings menu 2. Choose Apps or Application manager 3. Touch the app you want to remove 4. Press Uninstall. |

The Scoop on the Albert: Budget. Save. Invest. App
The app makes it easy to have a fruitful financial life. Stop spending more than you can pay, meet bill deadlines, build your savings and add to your money knowledge all from your hand.
The App's Benefits
If getting your finances in track sounds too good to be true, there is more. The app offers tons of other benefits, including the following:
Guidance: Financial question? Have money trouble? Confused? Get help from a human, not a bot.
Invest Anywhere: Whether you are new to the world of investing, or have started to build a portfolio, create one in the app. Mix and match, or let Albert: Budget. Save. Invest. do the work for you.
Meet your Goals: Want to pay off credit card bills? Go on vacation? Pay your college tuition yourself? Whatever the case, let the app help you. With automatic savings, it identifies money, and then sets it aside for when you need it the most.
Genius Advice: Albert Genius, a feature offering guidance from our team of experts, also called geniuses," offers financial advice tailored to you and your saving and spending habits. Need help with budgeting, investments, credit cards, debt, retirement and savings? They are just a text away.
Smart Alerts: The app sends out alerts to let you know bills you can lower, or where you can save even more.
Account Synching: View all of your finances in one place.
Monitoring for Fraud and Fees: Get alerted, save and stay safe.
Secure: Rest easy knowing that your information is secure. The Albert: Budget. Save. Invest. app takes your security seriously.
Our Review of the Albert: Budget. Save. Invest. Mobile App
There is no better time than the present to look at your finances. No matter how financially savvy you are, budgeting, saving and investing can be tricky, especially in the times in which we are living. Since the Albert: Budget. Save. Invest. app makes that process a little less confusing, we recommend it. It offers many features, customized support and the security needed when dealing with a financial platform. We recognize that times may be tough, but having a better idea of money and how to save will give you confidence as you go through life and when things recover. Download it and take charge of your finances