While folks may not be going to the gym or to a workout class anytime soon, exercise has taken on many forms. At-home exercise equipment sales are booming, people are getting creative (milk jug weights, anyone?), and those who can safely do so have been going for socially distant walks, hikes, runs and drives. If you are in the latter group, perhaps you have had more time than usual to take in your surroundings as you exercise, in part due to not as many people being out. Maybe you have noticed interesting trees, plants, flowers or succulents growing, and stopped to think about what they could be. Well, with the PlantSnap app, guess know more. Read on to learn more about it, including the cool features!
PlantSnap – Identify Plants, Flowers, Trees & More | |
Price: Free Category: Education, Photos |
Version: Varies by device Developer: PlantSnap, Inc. |
Uninstall the app: 1. Go to Settings menu 2. Choose Apps or Application manager 3. Touch the app you want to remove 4. Press Uninstall. |

Find out what plants are, no matter where you are! Mushrooms, flowers, succulents and plants can be easily identified. Share your pictures with others to get assistance and inform the community. You can even join the PlantSnappers Social Feed, connecting you to lovers of plants, nature and apps across the world. Nice!
The App's Perks
PlantSnap is a revolutionary app, but do not just take our word for it! Check out the proof below:
Explore the map: See where certain types of cacti, flowers and other plants grow. Maybe there are some near you or where you live or are going.
Free: The app is completely free to download, but please note that it is $2.99/month or $19.99/year for an ad-free viewing experience.
Robust Algorithm: PlantSnaps'algorithm is constantly being updated, making it increasingly easy to identify what certain things are.
Huge Database: 625,000+ plants, mushrooms and trees are featured in the database.
Always Growing: The database is ever-expanding, to add more plants, trees and other growing things than ever before.
Make a Collection: Identify things via mobile and a collection will automatically be made for you via desktop, so you can see your searches on the big screen.
Important Note: The PlantSnap app is free to install, but email registration is mandatory. This will be to store your anonymous photos and details in your account, allow account access on any device and help keep the server secure.
Will all of these perks, PlantSnap is more than just another app to download.
Our Review of the PlantSnap Mobile App
Quarantining and social distancing may be part of our new abnormal, but it will not be like this forever? But you know what will last longer than this pandemic? The use of handy apps, such as PlantSnap, of course. We think it is worth getting, especially to make your time spent outdoors year-round. Go ahead and install the app to get moving and learning alongside. We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy during this crazy time, and encourage people to use the app at a safe distance from others. Hopefully soon, you can share the joy of using PlantSnap with your workout buddies as you exercise alongside them. For now, though, pass on the word. Get snapping!