Why are millions of students, young and old, flocking to this new mobile app called Quizlet? Well, let’s find out. The app is well versed with many different flashcards and can help in a multitude of study courses. It is also a great app that works at no cost, so let’s get into all of the details on how it works, what features it has, and why people are using it so much.
How it Works
This mobile app is free to download and is sponsored by ads. This is integral to the success of the app because the ads help to keep the app afloat so that people can constantly use it. On top of that, you can study for a plethora of topics and study so much easier with search subjects, and more. You can use all the various features without the hassle of paying for a subscription.
Quizlet – Flashcards & Study Tools | |
Price: Free Category: Education, Popular Now |
Version: Varies by device Developer: Quizlet Inc |
Uninstall the app: 1. Go to Settings menu 2. Choose Apps or Application manager 3. Touch the app you want to remove 4. Press Uninstall. |

Features of the App
There are so many features of this app that can help you study for any test. For one, there are over 18 different languages that you can study when using the app. Another feature is the Match game section, where you can play fun and interesting games that are timed, but they challenge you at the same time. Then you can use the apps. Write a feature to put your memory to the test. Then, with Learn, you will be able to study to your heart's content and get ready for any test day. You can also create your own flashcards for other people to use, or you can use anyone else flashcards on the app too. Whether you’re a teacher or a student, you can use any notes and flashcards that are available to the app.
There is a vast amount of content that can you can use to pass any of the subjects you’re studying. The topics are vast, so I’ll list what you can study on this app below.
• Languages
• History
• Vocab
• Science
• Math
• English
• Biology
• Chemistry
• Social Studies
• AP
• And more
So Why is the App so Popular with Over 50 Million Users?
Well, that can be explained by the app being well versed in a variety of topics. With the above-mentioned list, there is a wide range of subjects that can be studied. People like it because of the ease of the app. You don’t even have to add in your own notes and flashcards if you don’t want to. This is because people who have used the app before has studied these topics as well, and have extensive notes to allow you the ability to study all the notes that you would need in order to pass. Along with that, you can also use the app game features too, including Match, Learn, and Write, in order to make it fun to learn. This is one of the reasons that it’s popular, but that’s because it’s free, and everyone will try out at least once. It’s gained popularity because of the fact that people have tried it and then told their friends about it.
While there are many apps out there that claim to help you study, when you install this app, there is a lot you’re going to get for no extra charge. However, there is nothing that you have to pay for unless you want the full extended version or the add free version of it, and the ad-free version only takes away ads. However, if you decide to upgrade to the PC extended version, there are a lot more games and fun learning tools you can use online. One thing is clear, you can use this to help aid you while you further your education.